Kyy – Interview
Occult forces are gathering for a mesmerizing ritual in Helsinki on February 17 when Urfaust return to Finland again after 3 years. With Kyy, TotalSelfHatred and Teloch also on the night's roster, a gem of a black metal evening awaits. This was the perfect occasion to have a chat with Kyy's vocalist G.K. as I was impressed by the band's debut album 'Beyond Flesh - Beyond Matter - Beyond Death' that was released in November 2016.
But let's start with the beginning, Kyy's history.
"We formed Kyy in 2013 with our drummer M.J. and our guitarist and main songwriter M.P. in order to play Satanic black metal. Around the times we had four EP songs ready for recording, we found our second guitarist E.V. and short before the actual recordings bass guitarist J.S. We got a record deal from our current label Saturnal Records for the release of our debut EP 'Travesty of Light'. After the release of the EP, we played gigs mainly in southern Finland during 2015-2016 and our first abroad and festival appearance was at Mörkaste Småland Festival in Sweden with bands such as Craft, Tsjuder, Belphegor and Samael in September 2016."

Kyy at Tampere Black Mass II in October 2016 (Photo by Marco Manzi)
Not a bad start, it certainly seemed like the band was suddenly everywhere. I noticed Kyy first when I heard a few songs of the debut album in autumn 2016 and when the full album was out, I wasn't disappointed. Kyy really had delivered - I haven’t heard such raw, aggressive, captivating, dirty and straight forward black metal from a new band in a while. So of course I wanted to know how the band managed to create such an album when many bands fail, and even after several demos their work just remains lifeless, generic black metal?
"Most of the band members have been playing black metal / death metal with various bands for over 15 years. With the help of previous experiences, we had a very clear expectations and vision about Kyy while forming it. Everything is being executed as we have discussed at the beginning. But most importantly, we do it with an endless passion and love. This band is a great alliance of five individuals as one of my brothers from Kyy told in one of our previous interviews."
Asked about influences, G.K. leaves it mostly up to the listeners and readers of Kyy's opus:
"Influences vary. I can list many things here, but most importantly the source of this inspiration and energy is One, and manifests in countless forms. One must look at our lyrics a bit closer to understand what I mean precisely or make his/her own conclusions."
Using black metal as the "best and most effective weapon for spreading our beliefs and philosophy" as G.K. describes it, Kyy's artistry presents itself as a whole, from music to visual appearance to the atmosphere they create. But why did this alliance of five choose to play Satanic black metal, a genre that one could say has been there and has been done? G.K. has a clear answer for such foolish questions.
"We are not doing this for trends, or for being popular. As mentioned before, while forming the band, there was a very clear vision. We drew very strict lines on a very strong stone, and built everything over that. It doesn’t really concern us if it has been done by many bands. This is what we want to do sincerely, and it comes from our hearts."
Turning to the satanistic part of the equation, his answer on the meaning of Satanism for Kyy are no less straightforward.
"I think these questions have been asked many times, not only of us but of many bands. Not to be rude, but everyone has their own understanding and approach of Satan/Satanism. Satan is the very source of raw energies and influences for us as mentioned before. I would like to shortly quote from Johannes Nefastos’ book 'Argarizim - The Fall of Lucifer' in order to explain what Satan means to me personally:
'…Lucifer is the lord of paradox and present everywhere with us, in pain and in ecstasy, for He is the creator of our souls and the one breathing the flame of life, as well as the awakener of consciousness and the one who makes us yearn for the form of being – or unbeing, like which we may as well see it – higher than this world of clay. There is no form where we could not see Him, and no myth whereto he could not be connected. Superstitious people try to cast their god as a being behind the clouds, separate from the world and allegedly irresponsible of its faults. Our god, beloved Satan, is with us to the end and even beyond the great darkness, and the more profoundly we are able to understand the depth of death and the life in that which is named as death, the more radiant and clear will His countenance come to us. But He is not formed as man and has no human severity, and even though He appears to us as a judge when we ask it, and makes us empty the chalice again and again until everything has become clear and every fault – all evil – has been transformed into brightness and power. O, would it dawn quickly the day, the day of judgment, after which the soul is whole and lucid, before it the one and only world, one and only all-pervasive God and the key-keeper of manifestation, the grand master, our lord Lucifer.' "

Kyy at Tampere Black Mass II in October 2016 (Photo by Marco Manzi)
Kyy's live shows allow the willing attendee to witness these raw energies and the "endless hunger for going to stage and unleashing the hell" the band posses as G.K.'s describes it for themselves. One thing is for sure, things won't be quiet on the Kyy front.
"For the time being we are planning a split album with a Norwegian and a Turkish black metal band. There will be two songs from each band on that release. If everything goes as planned, you will be hearing it in 2017. Aside from that, there are plans on playing at more festivals. AMSG. "